Category: News

ENYP adapts service to support people in need

During the last few months during the Covid-19 outbreak ENYP has been unable to deliver its usual programme of clubs and activities, and instead has looked at ways to continue to engage with thousands of children, young people and their families. 

Picnic Project – Spring 2020

Norwich Christian community project ENYP will continue to deliver thousands of ‘picnic bags’ of fresh food during the Coronavirus period to those in need across the city.  

Christmas Joy Hamper Appeal

Christmas Joy Hamper Appeal In the current financial climate, the news and statistics evidence the difficulties that families face, particularly with food poverty. Growing numbers of families are unable to meet the basic needs of providing food, and this has an impact on the wellbeing of the family.

The Picnic Project Partners with Pizza Hut

The Picnic Project Partners with Pizza Hut   The picnic project partners with Pizza Hut.  In recent months we have established a new partnership with Pizza Hut for surplus pizza, initially this was for one restaurant in Norwich, with a further to start in the near future!